Crystals to Help You Heal & Overcome Obstacle

Hopefully by now you are aware of the healing energies of crystals & stones. These natural energies & frequencies are a huge ally to us when we need a boost in a specific area of our lives. Here enter the importance of knowing Chakras those energy centers in your body that can receive such healing energies.

Below you will find an illustration of the major Chakras in your body.


First you will have to lie down somewhere comfortable. Then, decide what area of your life needs healing. Grab the corresponding Crystal or stone. For the healing or boost of energy to work you will need to place the crystal or stone on top of your body. You will place it on top of the Chakra that will be most receptive to receive the energy of the crystal.

For example: If you want to heal or boost your love life. You will place your crystal or stone on top of your body as close as you can to your heart chakra.

Once you place your crystals on top of yourself close your eyes and imagine a beautiful light coming from the heavens bathing you the color of the Chakra you are boosting or healing. This will generate a connection and an intention between your body, your Chakra and the crystal. I recommend you do this while listening to high frequency music or sounds for at least 10 minutes. For the best high frequency sounds and music download our Positive Warrior App.


The way this all works is rather simple but really effective. What happens is that every time you experience an emotion good or bad we are directly feeding it to our energetic body. Well, when life gets a little tough and overwhelming we tend to stop the flow of energy in our energy centers aka Chakras. Therefore, developing this terrible state of feeling stuck and like the future is all gray and gloomy. When nothing could be further from the truth and here is where the healing and boosting powers of crystals come in.

Following the practice described in the instructions our crystals can give us the boost we need to get us out of our funk. The crystals function much like when you Jump-Start a car. The crystals provide our energetic body that charge of energy we need to get that specific chakra moving and flowing again. Lucky for us we now also know which Chakra corresponds to which area of our lives. Making it way easier to give a healing boost to the specific area of our lives we need with the crystal and stone that is most effective.

Below you will find a list of the crystals and light colors to visualize that will help you heal and boost specific areas of your life.

Crown Chakra:

Color to visualize: Purple, Light Purple or White

Life Areas it heals & boosts: Wisdom, divine connection, allowing life alignment

Crystals & Stones: Amethyst, clear quartz, selenite, opalite

Third Eye Chakra:

Color to visualize: Cobalt Blue, Indigo

Life Areas it heals & boosts: Seeing visions and dreams, imagination, visualization, intuitive visions, ability to see and connect to the spirit world.

Crystals & Stones: Lapis, sodalite, azurite

Throat Chakra:

Color to visualize: Turquoise, Blue

Life Areas it heals & boosts: Speaking your truth, using your voice, expressing, Communication.

Crystals & Stones: Turquoise, aquamarine, amazonite

Heart Chakra:

Color to visualize: Green for general love and Pink for self-love

Life Areas it heals & boosts: harmony, compassion, passion, love.

Crystals & Stones: Aventurine, emerald, green calcite, serpentine, jade, rose quartz, morganite

Solar Plexus Chakra:

Color to visualize: Yellow

Life Areas it heals & boosts: Strength, core connection, personal power, intuition.

Crystals & Stones: Citrine, sunstone, yellow calcite, tiger’s eye

Sacral Chakra:

Color to visualize: Orange

Life Areas it heals & boosts: Creativity, sexuality, relationships, emotional health

Crystals & Stones: Carnelian, orange calcite, amber.

Sacral Chakra:

Color to visualize: Red

Life Areas it heals & boosts: Safety, security, stability, feeling grounded, having a strong sense of self.

Crystals & Stones: Red jasper, garnet, ruby, black tourmaline, hematite



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