Simple Hacks To Improve Your Health

Your health is the most important thing you have. You’ve heard that said many times, and nothing could be more true. Getting healthy again after letting yourself go is a lot harder than staying healthy, but it can be done. There are many ways to go about being healthy, physically and mentally. 

Weight Loss

One of the best ways to care for your health is to stay at a healthy weight. Your weight can be in a range depending on your height, build, and sex. You can go by , or you can use a weight chart put out by insurance companies. 

* Stay Hydrated – Drink a lot of water, at least 64 ounces per day, to stay hydrated. You can substitute some of that water for the water that is inside high moisture fruit and vegetables. 

* Snack All You Want – But, snack only on raw fruit and vegetables without anything added to it. Just eat plain, raw fruit and vegetables. They are low in fat and calories and high in liquid.

* Plan Each Meal – Know how many calories and what nutrients you need to eat for just the right amount to lose weight but stay healthy too. Use an app such as  to help keep track. Plan meals with an app like  or a spreadsheet to keep yourself on track.

* Get Tested – Have your health care provider check your blood for deficits in certain vitamins and minerals. Supplement for those that are showing a shortage or close to showing a shortage. Some studies are showing that hunger can be caused by nutritional deficiencies. 

These small tips can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. If you have more issues, seek help from a group like Weight Watchers or ask your health care provider for some assistance.

Physical Fitness

Even if you are a normal weight, you can still be unhealthy if you’re not physically fit. You don’t have to have a six pack, or be able to run fast to be fit. You simply need to move a little bit every single day, about 30 minutes a day or 10,000 steps a day, in order to maintain standard levels of physical fitness.

* Schedule Your Workouts – If you put the workouts you want to do in your calendar, you’ll be more likely to actually complete them. It doesn’t matter if it’s working out at the gym, working out with friends, or dancing around your house. Putting it in the calendar, including travel time so you’re not rushed, will ensure that it gets done.

* Take the Stairs – Anytime you see a set of stairs, it’s important to use them. Walking up and down stairs is better for you, will keep you more fit, and help break up your day. This is very important if you otherwise have a sedentary lifestyle and an office job.

* Be Inefficient at Work – Instead of calling people in the same building, or emailing them, walk over to their office to deliver a file, or ask a question. This will give you more steps during the day, and help you become more physically fit.

* Park in the Back – If you cannot walk, park as far away as possible from your destination, then walk. Walking is very good for you and every step counts.

* Dance – At home and bored? Turn up the music and dance. Even a 15-minute dance break will energize you and help you reach your physical fitness goals. 

Being physically fit will make you feel better in many ways. You’ll maintain a healthy weight easier, and have a better outlook on your entire life. No need for fad diets, or two-hour workouts either.

General Health

Weight, physical fitness, addiction and anxiety can all play a role in your overall general state of health. Try to stay a normal weight, eat right, drink plenty of water, and get lots of rest for the best results.

* Get Weighed – Most people don’t like to weigh themselves, but usually that is because they want to live in denial. If you weigh yourself every morning you cannot be in denial. Do it when you’re fresh out of the shower and naked.

* Avoid Drinking in Excess – It is fun to party, but too much will cause havoc on your weight, your skin, and your general health. Drink moderately and less often, without getting drunk.

* Add in Fruit and Vegetables – Instead of focusing on eating less, just change what you eat. Replace high fat, sugary, and processed food for fruit and vegetables. Eat them raw, or lightly steamed without additives.

* Get Plenty of Sleep – It’s amazing how much lack of sleep can affect your health. It can cause stress, water retention and a whole host of other issues. Try to go to bed and get eight hours of sleep each night.

Design your life in such a way that you can be concerned with these aspects of life. When you choose a career, field of study, or change directions, consider these factors and how it affects your general health.

Mental Health

Some mental health issues are hereditary and genetic in origin. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot help yourself.  Following these tips will help you develop and create a healthy mental health outlook.

* Get Plenty of Sunshine – Try to get at least 20 minutes of sunshine each day on as much skin as possible, as well as allowing it to shine in your eyes without sun glasses. This will help produce vitamin D and make your mood better. You can also get your vitamin D levels tested and supplement if needed.

* Manage Expectations – While we all have some expectations for certain things to happen or for how people will treat us, the truth is, if you don’t manage your expectations you can build things up bigger than they are and you’ll always be disappointed. 

* Stop Planning and Do – Action is always going to work better than planning. Sure, you need a plan of action, but too much planning and not enough doing can be a real road block to having a healthy outlook on life.

* Leave the Past in the Past – Dwelling on the past, especially bad things or disappointments, will make you more depressed. Once something is over, learn the lessons you’re supposed to learn then move on.

You can be healthier in all the ways that matter by trying some of these tips. There is no reason you have to stay stuck doing the same thing that you’re currently doing. Everyone has free will and can change anytime they want to. 

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